Old River’s Edge Ranch
The Fontana Foundation of Hope is very proud to support the River’s Edge Ranch Organization. This valuable organization gives men a second chance. The River’s Edge Ranch in Lucerne Valley is described as a “place for second chances” for men who are trying to get their lives back on track. At the ranch, volunteers commit to staying for a year in order to develop good work habits by taking care of farm animals. The ranch, coordinated by Water of Life Community Church in Fontana, is known as a “transformation center” where overseers deal in changing lives by transforming the heart.
Miss Fontana Scholarship Pageant
The Miss Fontana Scholarship Program allows local young ladies to participate in a structured leadership and community service program which is hosted by the Fontana Rotary Club. The program instills confidence, builds new skills and provides an environment for these ladies to meet new people and businesses in their community. All costs for the ladies to participate in the pageant are covered by local supporting businesses and the Fontana Foundation of Hope is proud to support this great community program by providing the scholarships.